Thank you for looking at the page about the board members! The board of the academic year 2021-2022 had the name ‘Phoenices Cantantes’. A short message from all board members can be found below, addressed to the members of the choir.

Upper row: Dorothee & Bas
Lower row: Sophie & Sem

Sophie de Jong – Chair
I am Sophie de Jong, I am 24 years old and it is an honour for me to be your chair this choir year. I have just graduated, with a master’s degree in Sociology and Art Policy and Art Management, so I’m actually not a student anymore (don’t tell anyone). I am working as a consultant/researcher at a research bureau that works to answer policy-related questions for municipalities and provinces.
Just before the whole corona period, the announcement of performing Beethoven’s Ninth had reached me, and I had been waiting expectantly for the moment that I could join – performing that piece is on my bucket list. And although that piece is yet to be performed, my interest was piqued. So since September 2020, I have been singing with the NSKAD. And after a difficult year, I am now chair! Despite the few rehearsals and activities last year, I felt so welcome that I would like to give something back to the association. When I am not singing or listening to classical and contemporary music, I like to try out recipes in the kitchen or take care of my houseplants.
I’m looking forward to the coming year, to experience many great things together with you! From (drinks after) the rehearsals to going on weekends together and from the upcoming lustrum (85 years already!) to beautiful concerts (like Dvořák’s Mass in D, another favourite of mine). I am excited for it!

Dorothee Vollmer – Secretary of internal affairs
Hi, I am Dorothee Vollmer, I am 26 years old and this year I am fulfilling the task of secretary. In addition to my board duties, I am currently doing an internship from my master’s degree in Health Psychology. In 2018/2019 I already did a board year at the NSKAD, as commissioner of artistic and material affairs. Three years later, I am now very motivated to finish my studies with a second board year at this beautiful choir.
Besides the NSKAD, this year I also get to participate for the second time in a project of the Nederlands Studenten Kamerkoor, which is really fun and challenging! My all-time-favourite classical choral work is Antonín Dvořák’s Stabat Mater. For this, I travelled to England once in 2019 to join a performance, which I would do again at any time! So singing is really my passion. During corona, I went for walks every day, usually with coffee, and spent a lot of time with my lovely rabbits.

Bas van der Linden – Treasurer
My name is Bas and I will be your treasurer again this year. This means that I keep track of all the financial affairs of the choir. Besides singing with this beautiful choir since 2018, I also sing in another choir. I’m in my fourth year of studying mathematics, and in my spare time I really like playing games, both digital and physical (which is a bit harder with this lockdown).

Sem Weinberg – Commissioner of artistic and material affairs
My name is Sem Weinberg, I am 23 years old and am now in the third year of my bachelor’s degree in Dutch law. I have a great passion for music, especially from the Baroque period. Composers such as Bach and Purcell are among my favourites. I can also appreciate other music styles, such as underground hip-hop from the nineties, which unfortunately is not part of our repertoire. This choir really consists of a lot of different/unique people, which is what makes it such a pleasant association. As commissioner of artistic and material affairs, I want to maintain this conviviality and make sure that everything around the concerts and rehearsals is well organized, so that we as a choir can deliver a beautiful singing performance!